Thursday, June 28, 2012

Officially Summer

The wonderful season known as summer has officially begun. Hallelujah.

After working two insanely long weeks I had a three day weekend! It was an incredible break and exactly what I needed to recharge.

I kicked the weekend off by filming a commercial thursday night. Jordan, Andrew, and I decided to participate in a shoot for a 5k that will be taking place in Denver. We figured that we would be a welcome addition. We have talents uniquely suited to commercial filming. My goofiness. Jordan's fun spirt. Andrew's photogenic nature. What commercial director could pass us up? Here is the super duper cool result:

Friday morning was wonderful. I slept in and did nothing. I can't remember the last time that happened! That afternoon I left for the coolest ward activity ever. We spent Friday and Saturday camping by Yuba Lake. Friday night was full of fried chicken, "bonfires," laughter, and embarrassing stories. I stayed up entirely too late talking, but it was oh so worth it. Saturday was spent on the lake!! There is just nothing like the feeling of being on a boat zooming through the water. It just means summer to me. It reminds me of all of the times spent at Bear Lake with my family. I got to try wake surfing, which I am assuming is really fun. I wouldn't know... I never got up. Although I am positive that is the water had been less choppy I would have! Most importantly I got to go tubing. Gah! Tubing is sure fun. Even if it beats your body up like nothing else.

Just chillin' on the shore

Can't you tell I'm having fun?

Hanging out.

Monday brought work... It was a very Monday kind of day. However, Monday night included a good game of sushi tag. Sushi tag is basically a race combined with wrestling. I am always amazed by how aggressive I become. This time I walked away with a black eye...

Another exciting adventure came on Tuesday night. A big group of us decided to climb to the roof of our apartment complex. A chair tower and few boosts later we all made it up. We hung out and laughed for a couple of hours. 

I live on the edge.

News Flash: In two months from today I will be walking the streets of Rome!!

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